ZEN and the art of ATTRACTION.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Importance of Inner Game

All game is inner game. There, I said it.

An outer game technique that you learn and apply will work primarily by reprograming your subconcious mind.

For example,

Jealous Girlfriend opener: You start using it, after a few times, you start having success. Girls are responding to you and you are hitting the "hook point" with ease. Now, your subconcious has been reprogrammed. Your self concept used to tell you that you could not approach, because girls would think you were weird. Now, it is telling you that women like you, respond to you, and love talking with you. You can throw the opener out now because who you are has changed.

All game is inner game. The outside world is just a blank screen that your inner world projects on to.

Think about when you are "in state". All of the sudden, people are opening up to you. Girls are hanging on to you. If a chick insults you, you'll fire something witty back with ease, and she will smile, punch you in the arm, and start asking you questions.

This all began in your head, with your emotional state.

Game happens in your head first, and in the real world second.

So the next question would naturally be, what should be going on in my head?

Well, there are alot of things. To get good in this game and be the prize, you have to internalize alot of new beliefs. You have been conditioned and fed way to many beliefs that simply won't help you out. In the coming days I will post on these and offer my own insights.

In the mean while, you would benefit from checking out Gunwitch's Dynamic Sex Life. Gun's work was the first thing that really helped me understand the TRUE psychology of male/female dynamics. This book is pure gold and will help you reprogram your mind. Becoming a pickup artist is all about changing what goes on inside of your head and than letting this project onto the world around you.

Stay tuned for a more in-depth post on inner game.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 1:43 PM


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