When I first began caring about girls, around the beginning of high school, i thought that all that they wanted were muscles. The concept of game didn't even cross my mind, and at that age, no one talked about anything of the sort. All I was going on was what the tv, movies, magazines were telling me.
So, naturally, I found the problem - me being weak - and fixed it, by lifting weights. I began to love lifting weights and have since built a physique that I am very proud of, and is attractive to girls. Up until recently, however, this has been a bad thing.
What? A great body, attraction, a bad thing?
Well yea...
When I was reading all of the seduction material that was telling me to first attract by showing value, then create rapport, I was having no success. Why? Becuase the attraction was there already. Not MASSIVE amounts, albeit, but enough to get girls interested. I was unaware of this, and would be cocky and funny, would bust their balls, would tell stories, try to prove myself to them. So here I am pumping up my value, and pumping it, until all of the sudden girls would lose interest. this was because..
While I was busy trying to create attraction (that i already had), I was avoiding making a real human connection, achieving true, honest rapport, and connecting with these girls. I wash literally pushing these girls away with attraction material.
Girls ARE attracted to higher value, but to a point, if you pump value too high then either a.) you will look try hard and insecure or b.) she will think you are unattainable. Also, in forgoing rapport, you will be seen as hard to connect with, arrogant, and aloof.
The bottom line? Once you get a few IOI's go for rapport. No one else does - properly, at least...but that's another topic for another time.