ZEN and the art of ATTRACTION.

Friday, January 20, 2006

The voice of seduction

You know that voice in your head? The one that talks to you and reasons with you.

Kill it.

The best indicator as to weather or not you are in your optimal is that voice. When you are having a good time, are outside of your head, and truly vibing, that voice is gone.

She is able to enter your head because it is not occupied by your internal voice. She enters the void. You connect.

How do you get rid of the voice? You get talkative. You get chatty. The second you enter the venue, or even before, on the street, start chatting. No outcome orientation, just you being a sociable chatty person. Keep doing this, keep warming up. The voice will go away. Your interactions will become less and less structured and more and more spontaneouss.

An hour later, when THE hotty catches your eye, you are compelled to open her. She feels your vibe. You connect.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 1:01 PM


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