The concept of "Awareness Radius" has become a topic of great discussion recently on the mASF forum. Usually I disregard all of these mumbo jumbo theories, but this one is different. The community is on to something here.
What is Awareness Radius?
Awareness Radius is a term that describes what you focus on in your environment. If your AR is big, you are taking in everything around you. If your AR is small, you are focused on what is currently directly in front of you, both physically and mentally.
People with high value have small AR. People with low value have high AR.
A person with a low AR is focused on his current interaction. He is focused on what he is doing, because he believes that where he's at is the place to be. He knows that any conversation he has, or any party that he is at, is where all of the fun is.
conversely, a person with a high AR is always looking around. He is not fully engaged in conversation because he always feels like someone else is having more fun. He is scanning the room for people to suck value from.
Notice the difference?
Look at guys with low AR. They are the ones who, at a club, are engaged in interactions. They are facing their buddies, or girls, because they are confident that they are "where it is at". What girl wouldn't want to be "where it is at?"
Now, look at the guys with high AR. They are facing away from their interactions, with body language suggesting that they are scanning the club for a new person to talk to. It is these guys that get approached the least. They appear needy and low value. What girl wants to approach a guy who is not having fun?
The common example used for awareness radius is Brad Pitt.
If Brad Pitt rolls into a club, how hard is it to get his attention?
Answer: Very.
But why? It's because he believes that what ever he is currently doing is THE BEST. He focuses on what is directly in front of him and the world gravitates toward him, people are sucked into his narrow (low) AR. They are coming into his reality.
A low AR is the mark of a high status person.
To be continued...