All social dynamics are based around energy. Read that again.
When we interact with other people, we are essentially plugging ourselves into "energy outlets". We draw energy from people who are fun, upbeat, and talkative. We become depleted when we talk to those who are quiet, reserved, and aloof.
Naturally, we gravitate toward those that can supply us with energy and try to stay clear of those who we think will "take" our energy and leave us down.
With this in mind, it is important to calibrate our energy levels going into an interaction. However much fun she's having, be just a little bit more fun than she is. If you guage her as a 6 out of 10 on the energy scale, come in as a 7. Come in as a 5 and she wont give you the time of day. Come in as a 9 and you'll make her uncomfortable. The formula is take her energy and add one.
As the interaction progresses, drop your energy level below the environment. Example: In a club, where you gauge the energy to be an 8, you will come in as a 9. After you open, hook, and begin to build rapport, slowly take it down. You want to be at a 7, or even a 6. Everything around her will being moving fast and you and her will be on the same wave length. She is now standing on an island with you, her new lover.