Awareness Radius does an incredible job at explaining the almost magical effects of being “in state”. For those of you just tuning in, being in state, means being in the state of mind where you feel talkative open, confident and happy. This state radiates from you, and often without saying anything, you begin to notice girls shooting you indicators of interest from all over the room.
Before understanding AR (an abbreviation for awareness radius), I believed that state was conveyed through ones’ voice and bodylanguage, however, I wasn’t sure how or why. Now it makes more sense.
When your awareness radius is small, and you are focused. When you are focused on an interaction, you begin to get out of your head. When you are out of your head, your state is triggered. This is not possible by running around the club randomly “opening” people. It requires connecting with other people, possible only when you are focused, and your AR is small..
Your ability to focus on one person at a time is what creates the battle for your attention, which increases your perceived value. When you are working a mixed set, and you are conversing with only one girl at a time, the others begin to vie for your attention. This is communicated subconsciously and there is no need for negs or Cocky Funny.
Also, people not in your set notice that you are having fun and that you are engaging. These people will be drawn toward you. Your small Awareness Radius is what lets others know that you are “in state”, and will be fun to interact with.
I have to run, but there will be more to come on this subject....