The world works in mysterious ways.
Intuition would say that when you try to achieve something, your chances of accomplishing your goal are increased. Experience tells you otherwise.
Now I'm not telling you to give up on life here, really, I'm not!
Hear me out. In the realm of social dynamics, and in our case, pickup, when you approach something in an outcome-oriented fashion, you are shooting yourself in the foot.
Consider the following:
The guy who tries to make everyone laugh is going to end up laughing alone at his own jokes.
The guy who brags about his BMW is going to end up riding home alone.
The guy that tries really hard to get rapport with a girl is going to get a polite "I have to use the bathroom".
The solution:
Lose your outcome orientation. Kill it. Kick it's ass. Seriously man.
The moment that you lose your need for a women in your life is the moment that one will enter.