Something that Juggler told me that I will always take to heart.."Yeah, in pickup, thinking is generally bad."
When you're thinking, you're not thinking. You're using your 133 mhz processor, your conscious brain, instead of your 6 gig processor, your subconscious.
I know all this conscious vs. Subconscious stuff sounds like mumbo jumbo. Trust me. I know. But it's also REAL.
When you are in "state", you are running on you unconscious and everything that's coming out of your mouth is aimed at taking you straight toward the bedroom.
When you are thinking too much, planning your next move, waiting for your turn to speak...You are suppressing your subconscious mind. You are operating at an estimated 1 trillionth of your maximum capacity.
So if you find yourself thinking about what to say or do next, STOP. Call it a night in terms of picking up women. Make your new goal "fuck it, I'm just gonna have fun tonight, picking up chicks is for another night...."
You might be surprised at where this takes you..