ZEN and the art of ATTRACTION.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Web of Seduction

When you see your buddy who gets all the chicks you are amazed.

You go up to him after he chats up a cutie and you ask him "how did you just do that? What did you say?"

He replies "You know, just did my thing and shit."

Is he hiding anything from you? No. Does he want you to succeed? Sure, why not?

So what is it that he's doing?

He's being congruent to himself. And that means beign congruent to the type of guy that girls want.

Next quesetion would be, well, what do girls want?

Someone who can lead.

Someone who can remove the awkwardness from the first interaction (any interaction, really) and lead it from mundane, to deep, to the bedroom.

This my friends is game. Girls are thinking about you fucking them the second they meet you, they just can't act on it. Take it upon yourself to liberate them, to smoothly lead them from one step to the next while delicately fending off their anti-slut defense.

Think of it like this. You meet a girl and you two walk up to web of strings connected between two trees. There are holes in this web, some big enough to fit the two of you through.

There is one objective , make it to the other side.

There are two rules

1.You, the man, are the only one who can speak
2.No one can touch any of the ropes

You have to lead. You have to take her to the other side without either of you touching the strings (triggering anti slut defense).

Game on.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 6:29 PM


Awesome, keep up the good work.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:27 PM  
Thanks for the blog. I'll be back.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:44 PM  

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