ZEN and the art of ATTRACTION.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Game is Simple

Sometimes the game seems overwhelming. Too much to remember...too many components...too much stuff to get good at.

Bullshit I say.

The game is really pretty simple. What happens is that we hit our sticking points and when we do, we go out to the internet forums looking for solutions, when in fact, all we really needed was someone to tell us to stop acting like a cocky asshole, or maybe stop with this weird nerve-induced tick that we had.

So now we have thousands of guys that know the techniques but have so much knowldege of seduction that they quit altogether because its so overwhelming.

So look at your game right now. What's your sticking point? How are you going to get past it?

It won't take any special technique either. Maybe it'll just take some balls....
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 7:15 PM


Yep. Less brains, more balls.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:40 AM  

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