What is game?
Game is being yourself. Period.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Now, alot of you will say "that's what my mom told me...and it didn't work!"
Look man, your mom loves you a fucking lot, and she wants the best for you. So you know what? She gave you the best advice in the world.
At no time did she ever tell you "Be someone you arn't" or "Be mean to girls, they love it" or "Honey, just brag about your allowance"
So why didn't it work? Because you stopped listening to her, the one person who cares about you most in the entire world - and you started listening to your friends and to society at large.
This is where shit gets screwed up.
This is where you were taught to be mean.
This is where you were taught that you weren't good enough.
This is where you were told that only guys with money and looks get the girl.
Being yourself is the only thing in the entire world that will ever a.) get you girls and b.) make you happy.
If you practiced and ran mystery's routines for 1,000 days straight, you'd probably be able to pick up girls, because shit, his stuff has been proven to work. But how happy would you be? How much of this success would you attribute to yourself, and how much to some internet guru's lines?
I digress..
Being yourself is the most universally attractive trait.
"But Spitkicker, I've tried being myself. For the last F&^%(*ING TIME IT DOESN'T WORK!"
And to this i say:
"Shut the f*ck up and listen to me: If you havn't gotten girls, it's because you wern't yourself, you were something else. Maybe you were defensive. Maybe you were trying to act macho. Maybe you wern't comfortable enough to open up. Maybe you were at a loss for words. These conditions all prevent you from expressing your true self. This true self is what will make you beautiful"
I agree that a PUA shouldn't pretend to be something he's not. That's what players do.
The catch is to be completely proud who you are and not wish you could "have this" or be "like that".