First, I want to apologize for not having posted in over a month. I was extremely busy, but I'm back now, and better than ever :) Spitkicker 2.0, if you will.
I want to address a mindset that can be extremely detrimental to someone trying to figure this stuff out. This is the mindset that "This is a game, with many rules and skills, that I have to learn".
While this game analogy can be helpful...errr...sort will most likely just screw you up.
You see, relating to people, expressing your interest to a beautiful woman, and living a fufilling life are all things that we are capable of RIGHT NOW. You were born with these abilities , you just have to bring them out of yourself. It's not something that you learn, its something that you draw from within yourself and something that you experience
The game analogy will ultimately convolute things. It will give you a reason for your failure - "I keep getting stuck in S1" when the answer is really "I have to be more open with women".
Also, In a situation where you are absolutely rocking a set, getting the hottest girls laughing and touching you, you will at times be inclined to think "oh shit, I don't know the next step....what did that manual say again?...errr..I have to eject."
Do you see how this could happen? It used to happen to me all the time.
Thinking in the field is not good. You want to minimize it. Like I've said before,
Juggler once said to me "Err, yeah..generally thinking isn't good". If you're not gonna listen to me, at least listen to this guy, he's the best in the world.
Again, this is not a videogame. There are no rules...well farting is generally bad on a first impression...but if you don't know what to do next, stop thinking and just go with your gut.
good read you back
insightful adn it balances out against a lot of the other stuff on the net
where about u based we could hook up