When it comes down to it, running game is about taking risks. PERIOD.
When you fail to take risks that you know you should have, the following happens:
Wow, I should have made a move on that girl, she loved me --> I keep getting so close but I don't know what to do --> I should go read some stuff on fast seduction, they'll get me straightened out! --> Cool techniques, I need to try these! --> (2 days later) Shit, I couldn't make my move --> Back to Fast Seduction, I need to get this figure out!....
Has this ever happened to you? Seriously. Has it?
There's only one thing that you need to do. Take risks. There's no message board out there that will take the risk out of approaching/escalating w/ a woman.
The only thing you can do is grow some balls. Trust yourself. Do stuff you normally wouldn't do. Do it from your heart. Not a website.
We all need a reminder of this at some point!
I find that this is particularly important for "day game", where the situation is based around the moment and requires spontaneous action.
I was kicking myself yesterday after missing an opportunity that had so much potential. If this happens, let your mind punish you, its the only way to realise not approaching can be more painful than approaching!