ZEN and the art of ATTRACTION.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Tao of Dating

As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve found a resource that is simply amazing.

Over the life time of this blog, I’ve been hinting at certain little ways of looking at life.

In one post I’ll write about being desireless.

In another, I’ll write about how you have to stop looking at yourself as a student, and start acting like an actual guy who is good with women.

In another, I’ll talk about frames of reference.

You get what I’m saying.. :)

Well, what I’ve come across is an ebook which actually unifies all of the theories that I have, plus more that I’ve never even thought of, and then ties them together with the ancient writings of the Tao De Ching.

The Tao of Dating, by Dr. Alex Benzer (Harvard grad with a PHD), is far and away the most incredible tool I’ve ever seen with regard to improving your inner game.

Without giving too much away, the main philosophy is as follows:

1) Wealth-consciousness: there is great abundance in the
world, and you are unquestionably entitled to it

2) Enlightened self-interest: your long-term fulfillment
comes from actions that are good for everyone in the long

3) Be-Do-Have mentality: the correct actions come from
being someone, not doing something

He then goes into the exact beliefs and attitudes that you must have. And he doesn't just give you "you are the shit". He'll tell you, for example:

Belief Number 2.

2. I am complete exactly as I am. This belief is corollary to the one above about accepting the universe (since you are, after all, part of it). But it deserves special emphasis, because it would seem that fully accepting yourself is not consistent with reading a self-improvement book. This is not necessarily the case. What this belief emphasizes is that, at any point in your life, you are fully accepting of who you are right at that moment. It’s not as if right now you’re not okay, and there is some point at which you will be okay. You are okay at every point in the process, because you are a creature of never-ending growth and improvement. There is no endpoint, because the only endpoint is now, and there is no time when it is not now. Be comfortable in your skin always; it is the most fundamental aspect of attractiveness. And although you may just be the seedling for a great redwood now, you are still that big tree in essence, at every point along the way. It’s just that you keep on growing. And just as the redwood needs water and nutrients to grow, so do you ...

It’s really is eye opening.

Then, finally, he talks about the techniques necessary to carry out your interactions successfully.

Look, you guys know how much I care about you. My only goal in this blog is to help you become what you want with women. I’ve been on this journey. I know what it’s like, and if I had had this book, I would have cut six months off of my learning curve.

This will really will help you more than you can imagine.

Do youself a favor and check it out: The Tao of Dating

I'm going to be posting ALOT this summer about concepts related to the book, as they provide a great starting point for discussion of some really important topics

Think of it as our class textbook. Seriously :)

Again, you can get it here

|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 7:14 AM


Will you still be incorporating Juggler Method stuff or will the blog's emphasis be mostly Tao?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:28 AM  
Of course I'll be incorporating Juggler Method! :)

This Tao stuff jives perfectly with Juggler Method, it actually provides a fresh way of looking into alot of the inner game issues beneath the Juggler Stuff..

That's what I love about it.
Blogger Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), at 11:53 AM  
haha. All internet marketers do that stuff. It's sad, but it works. It all comes down to numbers...

That being said, it's a phenominal book!
Blogger Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), at 1:04 PM  

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