We know that "being in the moment" is the name of the game. But why? Let's take a look...
The extent to which we are happy at any given moment is largely correlated with our "locus of control", the degree to which we think we are in control of the world.
Now, at any given time, there are three places we can be in mentally; the past, present, or future
The past is immutable. It's over. It's done. We cannot change it. When we are living in the past, we have the lowest possible degree of control.
The future is definately subject to a bit of our control. You can set goals. You can have plans, you can have a rough idea of the future, but you could also die tomorrow. Lest not forget this. How much control over the future do you really have? Not much.
Finally, we come to our present. This is the only time we can make decisions. THE ONLY TIME. To be in the now is to be alive. You might not be around tomorrow. But right now you are. Right now you have complete control of your decisions and thus your life.
This high level of control equates to a high locus of control, which results in happiness.
Putting aside all of the 3 million additional physiological benefits of being in the now, I want to talk about the effect of happines on the now and on your interactions.
When two people communicate, emotions are shared. They are contagious. People naturally gravitate toward those that are happy in order to achieve happiness themselves.
Remember, people move toward pleasure and away from pain.
You can provide this pleasure by living in the now.