Thanks SpiritFingers for the gracious shout out..welcome to all of you coming over here from
SexRevolution, I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay!
Yesterday I sat in a Barnes & Noble and watched a five year old boy excitedly tell his mom about his new trading cards.
The mother smiled, asked questions, changed her tonality, and acted 100% interested in what the child was saying.
Mother: "So what do the 'spell' cards do honey?"..."Wow, that's incredible!"..."What are those right there?.."
What was his response? He kept telling her more and more, his excitement growing along with the gigantic smile on his face.
What can we learn from this?
1. In asking open ended questions which are interesting to the child, the adult draws the child out of his shell, and gets him talking.
2. In talking about a topic that he finds interesting, the child is put into an amazing state.
3. The adult smiles and varies her tonality across a wide range to convey excitement.
4. Even if the adult isn't interested in what the child is talking about, she marvels at the beauty and the innocence of the child, and the mere act of listening to an excited, beautiful young child is what's gratifying.
5. The adult leads the interaction the entire way. This is the relationship between the adult and the child.
Really take a moment to think about how this relates to pickup and social dynamics. I would love to hear your thoughts..
like the color of the site! and the new name; i hear you about the interaction. i think it's a great example. my thing is getting started in interactions; how to generate that open communication from the other person. women in the beginning are reticent sometimes, not willing to open up.
And then sometimes they are, but i have trouble leading, not sure where to go; And then when the window comes, should i do so or shouldn't i? what if she reacts badly? A fear of success in a lot of instances.
There are so many opportunities I had in life to step up with women; i was just too scared to take them or i was blind to the possibilities.