Lets change the way we think about women.
Women are a gift; from the universe to us. When do we receive this gift? When do we deserve the reward?
When we are happy.
What happens when we are happy? The rich get richer. The happy get happier.
When are we happy? We are happy when we accept our current condition.
We achieve this by accepting the fact that, "what is, is", meaning what can't be changed, simply "is".
We achieve this by being completely grateful for everything in our life that we can possibly be grateful for.
We achieve this by being in the "now". Not thinking about 5 minutes ago. Not thinking about 5 minutes from now.
We achieve this by accepting ourselves and not seeking the approval of anyone else.
When we are completely happy, desiring nothing, just being, we are given the gift of women.
If we are armed with a clear mind, the most true indicator of happiness, we will seize the opportunities that this great universe has to offer us.
As long as we stay happy and desireless, all of our old desires will be met, and in an abundance that is nearly unimaginable.
Only when you stop wanting can you have.