ZEN and the art of ATTRACTION.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Tao of Abudance..and Cootch

Let's consider for a moment two mindsets.

The first is...

"the world is filled with scarcity. Money is limited. Jobs are Limited. Good women are few and far between. "

this is the scarcity mindset.

The second is....

"the world is filled with abundance. Everywhere I look, there is stuff. There is plenty of money to go around. There are plenty of jobs. There are 3 Billion women out there for me. I live in abundance."

Which way do you think?

I know that I've been guilty of thinking "Man, there's only 4 cute girls at my school", or "I have no options because I dated this one girl, and now ALL these girls are off limits"

Have you ever commited such treason?

What happens when we live in this scarcity mindset?

1. We place to much importance on outcome.
2. We do not expect abundance, and thus don't recieve it.

and now for the big one...

3. Even when we get what we are striving for, we still feel the lack.

If we accept the scarcity mentality, then once we have that perfect 10, we are scared to lose her. This mentality drives her away. Now, we are back to square one again...

Think about this stuff. Toss it around in your mind a little bit. It's really interesting. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

And again, if you havn't already picked up a copy of Dr. Alex Benzer's The Tao of Dating, you're making a huuuge mistake. I really do hate to sound like an ad, but its the truth.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 7:35 PM


Is fidelity and honesty to my girlfriend a rationalisation of my wrong mindset?

Probably. I started this relationship as an AFC and even if I'm an rAFC now, it will always try to pull me back into that state of mind where I'd think I'm lucky and should work to preserve it.

Oh well, two AFC relationships in one's life isn't that bad.
Blogger Charlie Brown, at 9:36 PM  
What? Why be an rAFC when you can be an mPUA. Why give yourself some sort of low self-esteem classification?

Your reality is shaping around this woe-is-me attitude. Can't you see that?
Blogger Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), at 7:21 AM  
Right, I worry too much. I was afraid of the scarcity mentality. But this fear comes from not really knowing what I can achieve. Being optimistically realistic can cure that. Thank you again for helping me so much.
Blogger Charlie Brown, at 7:51 AM  
Really like your block! Have gotten loads of great info from it. Lately, however, all the promotion of The Tao of Dating is getting on my nerves. It makes it seems as if you want to make some $, using tracked links adds to this.
Keep blogging, stop selling!!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:11 AM  

I have given my all to you guys for five months. Asking for nothing in return.

Now, I've found something that was extremely eye opening for me, that I want to share with you guys.

Yes, I get a commision on it. Nothing to hide.

Is there something wrong with backing a product i believe in?

I'm not sure I follow you
Blogger Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), at 8:47 AM  
I used to believe it was useless to think a problem would stop by just throwing money at it. But these ressources, if you really believe they work and really make an effort to try what they teach, they work.

It's the same thing for workout. By following my personnal trainer's counseling, I've become in better shape than never before.

If Spitkicker thinks it's worth it, it's probably worth it.
Blogger Charlie Brown, at 6:29 PM  

The Attributes is great as well. I read it a while back and it really helped convey natural game to me.

I think The Tao of Dating is a little bit more novel, and a little deeper intellectually.

The Attributes is sort of a grand compendium of natural game knowledge, where The Tao of Dating is a few nuggets of unique gold.

In any event, no one should go without reading either of these.

For those of you who havn't read the attributes, its at buildattraction.com i believe...which is interesting, because he says you can't "build attraction, only assume it..." hmm.. :)
Blogger Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), at 7:14 PM  

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