So you've realized that no one else besides YOU can validate YOU.
Now, what happens once you've become self-validated?
You become a magnet.
Just about everyone in your life that you come in contact with will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame. They will do so in order to feel better about themselves.
The ability to validate others is what will ultimately set you free..
Find the look you always wanted and get a few genuine compliments about it. Do not ask opinions. If no compliments come naturally, you didn't change enough or it wasn't good enough.
Do the things you always told yourself you should do, like work out a few hours per week or learn to dance, etc.
Talk to a person you always envied and have an honest discussion about him on how you really wish to feel good about yourself now. You may find out that he's not so up and mighty and perhaps he'll encourage you.