ZEN and the art of ATTRACTION.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Your state.

Stop the endless pursuit of the high-energy, high-instensity party state.

It cannot be maintained and it's loss will only bring suffering.

Abide in a peaceful, clear-minded, compassionate,relaxed state. This can be kept forever.

Notice the most natural of naturals. They stopped chasing the high-energy state years ago...
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 9:38 AM


I agree with you on this. Mystery says : be the social center of the place and get eveyone’s attention. But this is dumb. If you “try” to be interesting, everybody will notice and laugh at you. If you try, it means you care about other’s perception of you, that you’re not ok with yourself. I’d rather stay relaxed until being the center of the room becomes just a natural state of my personality, without requiring conscious effort or draining my energy. And should that never happen, I would’t care at all.
Blogger Charlie Brown, at 10:16 AM  

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