ZEN and the art of ATTRACTION.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


The only way to have power in a negotiation is to let the other party know that you will walk away. If they know this, the power shifts dramatically.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 10:59 AM


NO, the other party knows you are negotiating for a reason. The fact that you are talking already implies that you have something to win (or loose)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:10 PM  
lol, if you leave you're no longer talking. If the other party doesn't believe you, you leave for real. You don't stay there and admit you bluffed. That's just loser.
Blogger Charlie Brown, at 12:33 PM  
Anonymous. In any interaction, one person NEEDS the outcome to be a certain way more than the other. This is almost always the one with less power.

Once you realize that you DO NOT need your demands to be met, that you will walk away from the situation if it does not satisfy you, you become all the more powerful.

This is a lesson that has taught itself to me many times throughout life in both business and relationships.

Have strong boundaries. Realize that you have the power to walk away. Realize the abundance in the world.
Blogger Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), at 7:20 PM  
I agree, however too many "PUAs" use this as an excuse to eject. If you havent closed a girl you were attracted to and you eject, are you powerful?
Certainly an important belief to have during relationship game.
If you get a minute check my new blog:


Your feedback would be appreciate ;)
Blogger Aero, at 11:59 AM  
In relationships, this is essential.

In pick-up, if everything's going well you don't need to leave. However, if she starts talking to another guy, tries to make you supplicate or does anything unpleasant, you don't bear it and you just leave. That's what a guy with options does.
Blogger Charlie Brown, at 10:06 AM  
Power is overrated.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:43 AM  
letting the person know that you will walk away? that would make me very uncomfortable in a conversation with a person if they seemed as if they were ready to walk away at any second.

i believe in commitment. what i think you are trying to say spitkicker is that you are unattached to the outcome of the interaction. its not the end of the world if that conversation doesn't go well. you could care less because you are comfortable with yourself and not seeking approval.
Blogger Smart Feller, at 12:17 AM  
Hey guys. I was actually referring more to arguments/negotiations. Went through a bit of a rough patch with a girlfriend of mine and had a sort of revelation.

With regard to pickup. You want to subcommunicate the fact that you could walk away at any second and be fine. None of that "the game" shit with body rocking etc, just being so relaxed and so unattatched that you could walk away at any second and be cool.

A great way of communicating your value is actually just excusing yourself politely. In looking back at alot of past successes with incredibly attractive women, there seems a common thread of me leaving the interaction for a while and then coming back.

It just conveys the sort of non-neediness that girls die for.

A girl when she goes out wants to do 2 things. Socialize and get laid. Alot of the time i will run "short sets" at the beginning of the night, so that when girls are switching from socialize to get laid more an hour later, I can kind of catch her at the right time when she is more open to spending the rest of the night with someone.

It's all about just being a cool, social guy who is non needy and a lot of fun.

Hope this helps.
Blogger Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), at 4:17 PM  
Lol, you guys are funny :)

The negociation advice is a classic from Donald Trump: Never walk in a negociation if you're not ready to walk away from the outcome. It gives you an adventage... that doesn't mean you shouldn't fight to get it, and it works!

Now, I've never heard someone using it with women (or men). True, as a woman I don't like to feel desperation when I meet a man, but the "I don't really care if you're here or not" doesn't work either... again this is me. I'm sure it works with other women, we're all different. The non needy and a lot of fun attitude is ok if it feels natural.

I think the 2 things you mentioned about what girls want are the ones that made me laugh the most. If that was the case, they were be a lot more happy men, don't you think?
I have a lot of single friends with whom I go out with... sorry but the 2 things your mentioned have never been on our agendas. I've actually never met a girl like that. You must have a radar for desperate girls, or maybe they're just drunk and easy targets!?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:18 PM  
I have to say I agree with this little tid bit of advice. I think women try to pull this off and fail because they're never really willign to walk away. They'll walk away for a day then e-mail a few days later saying. I can't believe you haven't called me." They don't get it. Men usually say what they mean and follow through.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:06 PM  
Clementine I love U.And I really mean it.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:38 PM  

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