ZEN and the art of ATTRACTION.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Responding to Responding

It seems as if I've been so caught up in being zen that I've forgotten my Charisma Arts roots.

The Buddha himself said that you musn't attatch yourself to anything, so he wouldn't be too happy with me latching on to the concept of "zen".

In any case, I want to talk about something incredibly insightful that Juggler taught me.

A woman tells how attractive you are by how you react to situations.

If your car breaks down, how do you react? You're in a strange social situation, how do you react?

Now, this rule holds true in conversation.

It doesn't matter what you say. It doesn't matter what she says in response. It matters how your respond to her response.

So when a girl says to you "I'm actually talking to my friends" and you respond "oh cool, what are you guys talking about?", you're response is demonstrating all the right things.

Think about this...really think about this...you can never get "blown out"...now isn't that something..
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 11:49 PM


Nice to see a bridge with Juggler Method again!

As Wayne wisely taught me:
"Go with the flow, be Zen-like, choose Judo over Karate."

What seperates the amateurs from the pros is the ability to carry on a conversation when the Girl ends on a negative.


She hates traffic -> Presume she is for the environment.
She hates fish -> Presume she likes meat.
Blogger Aero, at 2:05 AM  
I'm just glad to find this blog is pure gold.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:19 AM  

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