Outcome orientation is the number one problem. In a big way.
The reason most guys dont get what they want is because...they want it. You've got to lose this mindset.
When you go out, go out to have fun and enjoy people - not to pickup girls.
Only then can you have fun.
Only when your having fun can others have fun around you.
Only when others are having fun around you will things end up with sex.
The endless pursuit of mastery of a skillset - mastery of control of the oposite sex - it'll stress you out - it'll make you sweat - it'll get you down. Just have fun man, that's all you can do.
This subtle little shift, this tiny little change in your mindset is all that it takes. You can go from zero to sixty faster than you ever thought. Just change this one little thing. Go out to have fun and enjoy yourself.
The guys at
Charisma Arts really have this nailed. Head over to their webpage and listen to the audio of Johnny and Wayne picking up girls. Not only that - listen to how they talk about pickup itself. Just listen to how much fun they're having and remember: fun is contagious.
ps I know I just posted on something like this about a month ago but man - its so fucking important.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 8:19 PM
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