The biggest breakthrough that you will ever come to realize is that there is no game. The whole secret is that there is no secret.
There is nothing you have to "Do" to get the girl. It is the illusion in your mind, that you do in fact have to "Do" something, that screws you up. You think that you have to have this intangible thing called "game" that is learned and practiced and kept secret when in fact all you have to do is kill the idea that game exists.
When you talk to a guy who is naturally good with women, he'll tell you: just be yourself.
When you talk to a guy who struggles with women he'll tell you: be cocky and funny, neg the target, do such and such, wear this or that....
The natural is getting laid. The loser isn't.
One of them is doing tons of stuff, the other is just being lazy...and getting the girls.
Pick apart the advice. The natural isn't trying to guard the secret - as far as he's concerned, there is no secret. To him it is so far out of his reality that he would have to do all this calculated stuff to get a's just nonsense to him.
I used to have this belief that I could have fun ONLY after I learned the game. I would tell myself "man, if i cant just figure out how to get girls in bed, then I wouldn't have to worry about all of this...I could just go out and enjoy myself". It was this one limiting belief that kept me from truly having fun when I went out.
Now, standing at the top of the mountain and looking down I realize that this was the very reason I wasn't "getting it"
What you have to get is the fact that there is nothing to get.