ZEN and the art of ATTRACTION.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Nothing was wrong

I'm always intriuged by people's past perceptions of me. Today I was talking to a girl whom I met before I got into this whole game thing and she was telling me just how attractive I was. She told me all the things she loved about me - and how I came across.

Things like this happen all of the time.

Now the point of this post is not to brag. It's to show how you don't really need to learn anything in the first place.

This whole thing is just a big head fuck.

You see, shortly after I met this girl was when I decided that I had "no game". See how the two don't make sense when put together?

It's all in your head. You'll figure this out eventually - I'd rather just let you in on the secret now.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 6:04 PM


Yeah, I think it was Cialdini who said that what you think you are transmitting is not what people are receiving anyway...therefore trying to convey overly complex or precise things is a waste of time.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:28 AM  
I totally agree with the thought that it's all in your head. Eventually you will understand that all the things that you've learned along the way was only to show the true side of yourself.

PS. Nice blog. I've added you to my links page.
Blogger Marcus Aurelius, at 7:21 AM  
I'm sorry but I think this post is kind of ridiculous, the reason you realize and acknownledge her compliments now is because you wen throught all this seduction stuff, it may seem like not much for you NOW but if it really wasn't such a big deal for everyone why is there even a community?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:46 AM  
Sorry to use your comment form for this, but I couldn't find your email readily.

We've been hearing about your blog from some of our listeners at the Pickup Podcast (www.pickuppodcast.com) and it looks like we share similar interests and content. I'd like to set up a link-exchange so that we can drive traffic to one another's site. Let us know what you think.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Blogger Pickup Podcast, at 8:01 AM  

The community exists because everyone in it thinks it needs to exist.

Think about it.

Blogger Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), at 2:04 AM  

Sounds cool man
Blogger Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), at 2:05 AM  

My post is actually poorly written. This girl told me all the things about my first impression that she loved. Not the things she loves about me now.

Make sense?

Blogger Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), at 10:48 AM  
Heya Spitkicker.

This is not a comment to this specific post, but its the last post, so I figured that would be the best place to put it (any new posts planned BTW?).

Anyway, I've been doing lately something called "Action Theatre", which is a sort of improvisational theatre aimed at the state of presence. I've had my own thoughts about the connection between pickup, improvisational theatre, and presence. I am also practicing Inner Work (Gurdjieff style, if you're familiar with it), and I think I see many connections there too, but its still vague.
I've been to the pickup world for a year and a half before I hit on Juggler's book. I realized in an instant this was gold. above all, it was finally something that fit in morally. his references to stage presence were illuminating to me as a theatre student. I searched the net for JM stuff, and got to your blog. I was inspired by it. you have very interesting and deep observations, many of which helped me to get things straight in my head. I wish I had got to it a year earlier.

I'm from Israel, and we have our own small "seduction" community. there is one dominant flavor, quite orthogonal to JM. I'm starting my own blog, posting my own interactions with women, from the JM point of view. I hope to get more people interested in that fun way of interacting with women.
I was hoping to translate some of your posts to hebrew and post them on my blog, with proper credits ofcourse. so lemme' know if its alright with you. I'm at corwin28@hotmail.com . and start posting again.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:35 PM  

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