The only way to have power in a negotiation is to let the other party know that you will walk away. If they know this, the power shifts dramatically.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 10:59 AM
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Game is about conveying. When you dress you convey all sorts of things about yourself. When you dress well, you don't have to create attraction. You only have to focus on rapport. That is it. Be playful. Be fun. Be free.
She knows you're hot shit because you're dressed like it.
It seems silly. It is.
but its the truth.
if you want good looking women, get a good wardrobe. dress cool.
you'll thank me when a runway model asks you, "Hey, are those jeans Rock Republic?"
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 6:25 PM
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It seems as if I've been so caught up in being zen that I've forgotten my
Charisma Arts roots.
The Buddha himself said that you musn't attatch yourself to anything, so he wouldn't be too happy with me latching on to the concept of "zen".
In any case, I want to talk about something incredibly insightful that Juggler taught me.
A woman tells how attractive you are by how you react to situations.
If your car breaks down, how do you react? You're in a strange social situation, how do you react?
Now, this rule holds true in conversation.
It doesn't matter what you say. It doesn't matter what she says in response. It matters how your respond to her response.
So when a girl says to you "I'm actually talking to my friends" and you respond "oh cool, what are you guys talking about?", you're response is demonstrating all the right things.
Think about this...really think about can never get "blown out" isn't that something..
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 11:49 PM
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My biggest break through with regard to meeting women was when I realized it wasn't about meeting women.
In society we are taught that the woman is that last piece we need - the one thing that will bring us status, pleasure, fufillment, happiness.
Consequently, it is this belief that makes us unsuccesful with them.
When you go out to meet women, don't focus on meeting women!
I would never just go out to meet women. What's the point? What am I chasing? What am I hoping to gain?
A girl? Ok, and then what?
When I go out - anywhere - i go out to HAVE FUN. That is my only rule.
Fun is all you can have. Who cares about results? If you have no expectations you can never be upset.
I don't know about you but I don't like being upset - but I do like having fun.
Fun is something that everyone is capable of, something that everyone has within them.
When you bring this side out of yourself others will laugh with you and become incredibly attracted to you. People like what gives them pleasure, its that simple.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 10:20 AM
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