I'm always intriuged by people's past perceptions of me. Today I was talking to a girl whom I met before I got into this whole game thing and she was telling me just how attractive I was. She told me all the things she loved about me - and how I came across.
Things like this happen all of the time.
Now the point of this post is not to brag. It's to show how you don't really need to learn anything in the first place.
This whole thing is just a big head fuck.
You see, shortly after I met this girl was when I decided that I had "no game". See how the two don't make sense when put together?
It's all in your head. You'll figure this out eventually - I'd rather just let you in on the secret now.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 6:04 PM
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Social reference theory says that everyone looks to everyone else for cues about what to do in certain social situations. Everyone thinks everyone else has the answer. Everyone looks to follow the leader, sometimes to such an extent that large groups are paralyzed by inaction because they are all collectively looking for the right cue.
In pickup, your job is to just assume this leadership role. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking them down the right path or the wrong path, just take them down a path. Want to talk about a boring topic? Be my guest, just take them down the path. Want to talk about something crazy and exciting and emotional? Even better.
The key to pickup, is showing them that you get “it”. The way you show them that you get “it” is by taking the wheel and just conveying them that yea, you know where you’re going, it’s cool.
This is why Juggler doesn’t know what he’s going to say before he opens. Nothing he could say is wrong, it all just “is” (very zen, no?)
Really, though, as long as you act like you know what you’re doing, keep the conversation going, and essentially “fake it”, you will in fact “make it”.
She’s just looking to see if you’ve got “it” and she judges this by how well you can lead her down a conversational path.
She doesn’t know what topics are right are wrong, she’s not looking for you to say one magical thing. If she sees that you know where you’re going, she’ll join you for the ride, no matter where it takes her. Why? Because you’re attractive..
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 6:28 PM
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Today is Sunday, December 10, 2006.
Exactly one year ago I was on the flight home from my Charisma Arts Charm School weekend. Wow.
Charisma Arts wasn't the start of my journey and it certainly wasn't the end of my journey, but it flipped the switched. It brought me from the dark into the light in literally seventytwo hours. A life changing experience. Really.
Prior to my bootcamp I saw pickup and seduction as a sort of algorithim to be figured out. A skill to be learned. A long, grueling process that once mastered would become a sort of computer program that I could "run" everytime i met girls.
While this mindset helps in terms of depersonalizing the game it can kill you slowly in other ways. It makes you opportunistic. Calculating. It's depressing to think of other human beings as targets and such.
What started as a search for connection ended up making me so lonely.
Then there was the bootcamp. There were no secret techniques taught to me, just a way of being. Really, all game is about just being.
I could write 50 pages about this, but I'm sure you've heard it before.
I encourage any of you who havn't yet taken a bootcamp to do so. It really is an incredibly experience; one that completely shifts your perspective and gives you a glimpse of just how awesome life can really be.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 9:21 PM
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