Friday, March 31, 2006
On Another Level
I love to watch people.
When I go out, I see 200 guys in the club all trying to be as drunk as possible and as super loud as possible in order to fit in. Everyone
knows that if they can be as outgoing and drunk and rowdy as possible, they won't be forced to have their own identity - they can simply be one of the party guys.
Then I see the 5-10 guys in the place who are operating on a whole different level. These guys are chilling - smiling - and chatting with the girls. These are the 5 guys that are going to get laid - the other 200 are just going to wake up with hangovers.
Part of being alpha - of having a strong reality - is being able to exist on your own wavelength. Just because there are 200 guys in the place acting like idiots, doesn't mean you need to be the 201st.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 10:27 PM
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
The Two Most Important Questions You Can Ask A Girl
I don't believe in scripts and lines. The guys over at
Charisma Arts don't either, but I came across a post on the
Charisma Arts Weblog that really gives an answer to the million dollar question; "What do I ask her?"
There are 2 questions that should be your your deeper level questions, the ones that you use to get commitment.These are...
1. What was that like?
2. How do you feel about that?
The questions are AMAZING. Make sure to ask each one of these in every interaction in the next week.
Stay tuned for more on this subject...
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 9:40 AM
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Monday, March 20, 2006
Opening Technique
Figured this fun little open technique out today.
If you're walking behind a cutie and there is a door somewhere in the near future, drop back a few feet - just enough so that she knows you are there, but far enough back that she has to hold the door open for you.
When she holds the door open for you, she will be waiting for you, looking at you square in the eye.
Smile warmly. Open her up with a friendly "Oh thanks. You're the nicest girl i've met all day!"
Don't do this sarcastically. Be genuine and playful. It's a great way of making the approach seem natural.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 1:24 PM
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Addition By Subtraction
When two strangers stand next to each other, there is an undeniable tension.
A few weeks ago, while at the airport, I was standing behind a cute girl at the baggage claim. We both knew the other was there, tension was growing.
You aren't the only one that feels it, trust me. She does too.
This is a good thing.
As soon as I opened her and started relating to her, she LOVED me.
Not because I'm all that she had ever been looking for,(though I admit, I was pretty smooth), but because I had just relieved the tension.
As humans, we move away from pain and toward pleasure. I had taken away the pain of awkward silence and replaced it with a pleasurable interaction.
Next time you are having doubts about how you will be recieved, think about this.
You don't have to impress her, you will accomplish that solely by openening her up and engaging her.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 10:03 AM
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Emotionally Contagious
When two people interact, their voices, facial expressions and mannerisms synchronize. The emotions are literally "contagious" and spread from one person to another.
Your job as a seducer is to spread the right kind of energy. Relaxed, playful and at ease with yourself.
Spread the wrong kind of energy and its over before it begins.
An interesting book on the subject is Malcom Gladwell's "The Tipping Point". It's a fascinating book and explains many concepts related to seduction. Give it a look.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 9:46 AM
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
The Game is Simple
Sometimes the game seems overwhelming. Too much to remember...too many components...too much stuff to get good at.
Bullshit I say.
The game is really pretty simple. What happens is that we hit our sticking points and when we do, we go out to the internet forums looking for solutions, when in fact, all we really needed was someone to tell us to stop acting like a cocky asshole, or maybe stop with this weird nerve-induced tick that we had.
So now we have thousands of guys that know the techniques but have so much knowldege of seduction that they quit altogether because its so overwhelming.
So look at your game right now. What's your sticking point? How are you going to get past it?
It won't take any special technique either. Maybe it'll just take some balls....
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 7:15 PM
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Friday, March 17, 2006
In-field AMOG Footage
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 10:55 PM
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Winning The Game
Thinking back over the past few years or so, I realize that I've been with some absolutely stunning girls. I've had great experiences and even better stories. But still, I don't feel like I've "won" the game. No one does. In fact, Style, wrote that the only way to win the game is to leave it...
I think the part of this game that will kill you is the expectation of an ultimate "victory". It's not there, so don't go looking for it.
Maybe the term game isn't a good one. Maybe it's unhealthy.
Looking at an interaction with another human being as a game, as a situation where the ultimate goal is sex and you have to manuver yourself to victory is just wrong. How many of us wanted to grow up to be manipulative and shallow?
How many games exist where you can't win?
The game isn't a game, it's life. And it's real. And it's beautiful, as long as you keep it in perspective.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 10:01 AM
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There's only one attraction technique
When I started getting into all of this years ago I was searching for a technique that would "create attraction".
First it was cocky funny, then it was negs, then it was swinggcat's push-pull. Which one is the right one?
All of them. When it comes down to it, and I'm sure there's an exception, but the only real technique for attraction is push-pull. Think about it. Cocky is the push funny is the pull. Negs - "Nice nails, are they real?" There's an example of pull push.
So why does push/pull work so well? Because it effects women on an emotional level. Women crave emotion and pushing and pulling is a way to move them emotionally.
Timing of push/pull is very important. Alot of the gurus will tell you to start hitting girls over the head with it right away, not good in my opinion. Go for a playful rapport with the girl first, and then start ratcheting up your value with some fun push/pull. It just makes more sense that way.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 6:21 AM
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Ed Hardy
For all of you style heads out there...I just got an email from
They're having a 1 week sale where stuff is up to 75% off.
I ordered myself a pretty cool shirt if I do say so myself :)
For those of you who don't know, ed hardy is "in" right now in LA..mix in a sweet ed hardy shirt with your outfit and you've got that rockstar look...just don't go overboard and wear these shirts every day..thats just weird..
Check it out.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 9:43 PM
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
Flashes of Juggler
I remember reading once, in a post by Juggler, that you'll catch little glimpses of Juggler Method in every day life and when you do, you'll know. Today was one of those days. I started talking to a guy at the pool today at this resort I'm staying at and I could just tell. He was a natural conversationalist and an unintentional employer of the Juggler Method.
He was not a good looking guy by any means, but how he conducted himself in interactions told me that his social skills were second to none.
We really oppened up to each other and I enjoyed talking to him very much, and then I listened to him talk with just about everyone else at the pool, here's what I noticed.
1. Question to get information
2. Reward with smile, enthusiam and interest
3. Open ended question about however the person just responded.
4. Relate back with a story.
5. Repeat
He repeated this sequence numerous times with just about everyone in the pool area, and everyone loved him...including the ladies.
The main thing here that makes it all come together is genuine enthusiam. The only thing on this guys mind was how cool what he was hearing about was. That's what makes it work. It's totally sincere.
Take a look at the structure I've just shown. Get interested in other people, expand your world. Get out of your head - your not THAT special.
If this model of pickup interests you check out Juggler's stuff, especially his ebook, over at Charisma Arts. It's so sincere, so natural, so effective... It's golden. t takes the creepiness out of pickup artistry and helps you become a genuinly cool guy. Check it out
Charisma Arts.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 6:24 PM
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
Kick Fear's Ass
You can't sleep with a woman if you don't talk to her. You can't talk to a woman if you can't say hi to her. So Why not just say hi?
But here's the secret...There is no such thing as being fearless. Everyone is scared, even mystery gets approach anxiety - EVERY time. Courage is the ability to deal with fear and overcome it.
DONT WAIT for your fear to leave never will. All you can do is
be courageous and kick its ass.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 2:46 PM
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Thursday, March 09, 2006
Open up
So many think that being aloof..being the cool guy is the answer... Never showing interest.. Never making a connection....
For those of you who know what I'm talking about, consider the following, written by juggler:
Alpha body language is hands below waist and not in pockets, feet spread apart, chin up, a slight smile and taking up space in the universe, relaxed and open.
I find it fascinating that these things are also the ones that make you the most vulnerable. Learn to be able to put your vulnerabilities out there. Drop your guard, look her in the eye and tell her you find her sexy. She could say,"Are you kidding? You creep." But she won't.
The more vulnerable you are the less likely you are to get hit. Take off your armor and hand her the sword. You will be surprised how often she will toss it aside and come into your arms.
Read it again. Take it to heart. These might be the most important words you have read in a while.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 7:19 PM
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Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Flip the script
Sometimes it sure can seem like girls just don’t want it.
A few weeks ago,I was out at a bar chatting up a few cute girls, when all of the sudden the girl that’s been shooting me IOI’s turns her back on me and begins to ignore me.
Now, I know just about all there is to know in terms of social dynamics, and I could tell that she was trying to play hard to get, but still, for a few moments there, It made me feel like shit.
Game over, right? She had won….Not so fast..
I started to think…wow, look how much makeup she’s got on. Look at those uncomfortable shoes. She must have spent a lot of time straightening that hair. That pushup bra must be cutting into her back. She sure spent a good deal of money on those Gucci sunglasses.
Then it hit me. This girl ..shit all girls…are just female PUA’s, peacocked and waiting to get their freak on. In fact, this particular pua was trying to run push/pull with me….and I should be upset because..??
A few seconds ago I thought I was getting blown out, now I realized that I was getting gamed! BEAUTIFUL.
I smiled at my new realization, and opened her again, unphased…
PS The night ended with a bang.
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 5:39 PM
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Sunday, March 05, 2006
Summer Lovin'
In about three months you will be at the beach, there is almost no way around it. Summertime can be a blessing or a curse for your game.
Take a second to imagine yourself standing on the beach with ripped abs, powerful pecs, and thick arms.
I'm serious man, do it.
Now, picture yourself again, but this time with a pudgy stomach and toothpick arms.
If you actually did this, you see how different you feel inside as you imagine it. It's incredible, really.Now, when you're out on the beach this summer, the feeling that you experience will be the same.
In pickup, your inner state is projected onto your girl. Which inner state would you rather project?
Also, as shallow as it sounds,girls like muscles. Though your looks matter much less to women, having a great body can take you from a 5 on the looks scale to a 8 or 9. The more attraction you can generated through your looks, the more time you can spend being real with a girl and getting to know her.
The great thing about this aspect of your game is that you have 100% control over it. Fat loss guru, Tom Venuto, says that 12 weeks is all that is needed for a complete body transformation, and guys...there are about 12 weeks left!
Make today the day that you change. Not tomorrow. Today.
Here's what has worked for me, I call it the 6 step plan
6 small meals a day
5 sessions of morning cardio per week.
4 days of weight lifting a week
3 days of rest
2 cheat meals weekly
1 goal. A new body
Following these guidelines are a great start.
If you still have any questions, I recommend that you check out Tom Venuto's free Newsletter.
This guy is single handedly responsible for helping me get the body I always wanted. He's the real deal. Check out his newsletter
PS. I have his ebook as well and I'd say that it's the best 30 something bucks I've ever spent..
Again, the newsletter can be found
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 3:00 PM
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Friday, March 03, 2006
I don't give a fuck
So the beginning of my night was interesting...I'm in the wrong headspace, I'm approval seeking and girls can smell it.
I recognize this and kick back. I get some drinks with my boys and spread out. I look around at everyone...I feel like they are so...generic... A girl that I've met a few times before can feel my vibe...she comes and wants to chat me up. Moments later she leaves...only to return when she sees I'm unfazed by her abscence. I'm just kickin' it.
Then, a half hour later, I emmerge from the VIP lounge as a new man.
My head tilted back. My demeanor calm. My eyelids heavy. My mind is clear.
Girl 1 tries to make out with me. Girl 2 introduces herself, "Hi, I've seeen you around, I'm such and such" Girl 3 wants to dance. Girl 4 is standing right next to me, hoping that I approach.
What's different? My state. My outlook on the world...
This game is played in your head. If you're ever having a bad night, fix your thought patterns, and the external world will change around you. It's not a theory of's jus the truth. You don't deserve any less.
And yes, I'm drunk. :)
Love you guys..
|| Knoweldge One (Formerly Spitkicker), 12:15 AM
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